Monday, January 18, 2010

Monday Movie Review

I've always wanted to have some sort of weekly themed post and I think I've come up with one! Since having our awesome blu-ray player with instant streaming to over 17,000 movies and shows on Netflix we've sort of become TV junkies (which is why I am adamantly searching for a used treadmill or exercise bike on Craigslist to put in front of our TV :). Seriously though, it's so awesome to have access to all these great films! So I'm going to try and post every Monday reviews on what we've watched that week.
So here goes...

The Secret Life of Bees -
rated PG-13
I give it **** and 1/2 stars.

I watched this one myself as Stephen thought it looked like a girly movie since there are 5 girls on the cover. But it wasn't. It was a movie about self discovery set in the racial tensions of the South in the 1960's. I was touched by this drama, it reminded me that we don't know our path in life and things just happen for a reason. God's definitely teaching us with the misfortunes that come our way. Great acting! Definitely worth seeing!

Passengers -
rated PG-13
I give it **** stars.

This move caught my eye as I am always intrigued with plane crash stories. A therapist works with surviving passengers of a plane crash, she discovers that their individual accounts of the tragedy differ significantly from the airline's official version. This is also one of those movies with a twist at the end. Definitely one of those movies that makes you ponder about life and death. I was moved by this film. Definitely worth a selection on Netflix or $1 at Redbox.

Dexter, Season 1 -
rated NR
We give this TV series ***** stars!
To those that know me well, you probably wouldn't have guessed that I would enjoy a morbid Showtime series such as this one. But Stephen and I just got hooked on this show and never saw the first season so we had a Dexter marathon last week! Dexter is a sympathetic serial killer, I know sounds weird, but he's really a likable forensics expert who channels his violent tendencies into knocking off miscreants. You know those really bad people that slipped through the system and got off of doing time but really should be spending their days on death row so they won't do anyone else harm. Well Dex gets rid of them so to speak. Stephen and I enjoyed the Miami culture more present in this first season. It was good to finally get a picture of what they've referred to in the past 2 seasons. If you like crime scene shows and can handle a morbid sense of humor this is a great show to watch!

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