...He Loves Me! :) Stephen's Hertz perk of having a free car and gas has us driving a new car practically ever 2-3 days. It's fun to test drive all these different cars. For the longest time I've been asking him to bring home these small cute cars so I can test drive them - his answer always "I'm not driving a girly car like that!". But to my surprise on Sunday he brought home one of the cars I wanted to drive, a VW bug! He really does love me. He said he left work in a hurry hoping no one saw him driving it. LOL And the past 2 days if we needed to drive anywhere as a family he always insisted that I drive. :) I can be assured he will switch cars when he goes back to work tonight. O'well it was fun while it lasted!
That is cute!
So how was it did you like it? I think I kinda want to drive one of those sometime too. I dont think I would own one, but to drive for a couple days would be fun :) Whats the next girly car you are wanting?
I didn't really like it as much as I thought I would. It didn't really have any pep, the accelerator pedal was heavy. And there's a lot of blind spots in the car. I'd like to try a Honda Fit. I'd really like to try a Mini Cooper but they don't have any at his location.
If you ever look at the Bug, the driver is all the way back in the middle of the car due to the shape.
He should try to get the new Camaro.
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