Monday, June 8, 2009

Vatican launches Facebook application

I was finally able to read my Catholic Spirit publication and I saw an article about the news of the Vatican launching iPhone and Facebook applications! I thought this was too cool not to post about. The pope is inviting us to promote a culture of dialogue, respect and friendship especially among young people. To use new technologies to promote new relationships around the world and take advantage of what the new technologies are offering us at this very moment. The pope urges us to use the new media in a positive way and to realize the great potential of these means to build up bonds of friendship and solidarity that can contribute to a better world.

The pope feels new communications technology has brought about a fundamental shift in how information is spread and how people communicate and relate to one another. He asked all of us who access cyberspace to be careful to maintain and promote a culture of respect, dialogue and authentic friendship where the values of truth, harmony and understanding can flourish. He also called on young people to "bear witness to your faith through the digital world. Employ these new technologies to make the Gospel known, so that the good news of God's infinite love for all people will resound in new ways across our increasingly technological world."

Through this Facebook application, which I just added to my Facebook profile (approx. 50,000 monthly active users already), you can send postcards to"spread around the messages and insights from the Gospel."

For more info visit Pope2you.

1 comment:

Justine and Fernando said...

Thanks for sharing! I'll check it out!