Friday, June 6, 2008

Update - Swim & Hertz

So Madeline completed 1 week of swim lessons. She's progressing slowly. She's always had this huge fear of getting water on her face or putting her head under water. She keeps telling her teachers, Miss Michelle and Mr. Barry - "No I can't do it." They try to coax her into it, and a few times she's tried. She even jumped in the pool, went under water and then swam back to the stairs with Miss Michelle. But she only did it as long as she only had to do it "once" that day. :-) So we had a talk, and Madeline is ready for next week swim lessons. She said she wasn't going to say, "No I can't do it." and try out everything her teachers ask. So we'll see.

Not much of an update with Stephen's situation at work. His boss has yet to fill the Level 2 position. Stephen has been working his butt off. He just called a meeting on his day off last weekend with all the counter reps (the dept he now oversees) and that went well. Keep praying for this promotion, we really appreciate it! Thanks a million.

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