Friday, April 15, 2011

Spring Fling

Madeline's 1st grade class (there are 4 1st grade classes at her school) performed last night at school for their Spring Fling P.E. Dance performance. Basically their P.E. coach incorporates fun dances and routines to get the kids to exercise. So last night each class gave us a sampling of what they do. It was really cute. Madeline told me her class was doing a hula type dance with sticks to "Surfing USA". Watch the video. Madeline Is at the top right of the circle, she's wearing a purple headband with pigtails.

Mommy and Madeline at her school after her performance, so proud of her.

These shots are rare :) don't they look so loving!? I had to bribe James to take a pic with his sissy to wish her well and put his arm around her - I told him we'd get pizza for dinner. He was all about that! :)

Daddy rushed (literally driving 90mph on the toll road) from work to make it to her performance. She hadn't see Daddy for 4 days due to his work schedule - so she was so happy he made it to her performance.

1 comment:

Mickie and Matt said...

Awe what a good Dad Stephen is, not the speeding part but to be there for her little performance. Madeline is so cute.

So is James SUPER tall for his age or am I just used to seeing Jason who is short? Aren't they the same age? Does James turn 5 in October? He looks so tall!