While Madeline and I were having our girls weekend in California, James and Stephen had their guy weekend back home! Stephen bought tickets for Saturday's University of Texas Baseball Game. After the Longhorns swept Oklahoma State over the weekend they passed Arizona State for the top spot. Horns are #1 again in College Baseball! Above is James with Daddy on his way to the baseball game. (Rest assured James had a healthy amount of junk food over the weekend)
UT Baseball Game from Melissa Spence on Vimeo.
Can you tell James is clapping along and having fun!?Horns Up - UT Baseball from Melissa Spence on Vimeo.
Hook'em Horns! They won 5-0!

And this was James after the game on the drive home. I think he had a fun time with Daddy! Also over the weekend Stephen taught James 2 things...
...how to make the Longhorn sign (the cow sign)...
Teaching James the Hook'em sign from Melissa Spence on Vimeo.
(in the video James is comparing his hand sign to Stephen's Longhorn's emblem on his t-shirt)
...and Stephen taught James how to go pee-pee in the potty standing up!

OHHH MYYY GOSH! That James is ADORABLE! You two have some wonderfuly cute kids. I think Matt would do the same thing with Ty, go a game, wear him out, give him TONS of junk food and teach him something MANLY!
Sounds like it was a successful weekend with out the girls.
Go, Steve!
I am so proud of you James. Wish you would have call me to go to the game Steve. Uncle Steve
Not only was it fun, but educational as well! :)
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