Thursday, July 9, 2009

Bye-bye Binky...

So it has been over a week now since Penny Lane chewed up James' last pacifier (aka Binky). We decided it was the time to wean him then. Actually the first night was not so bad, he seems to understand that he doesn't have a binky because Penny broke it. So he went to bed no fuss. He did wake up around 6am, unable to soothe himself back to sleep so I brought him into our bed. Well the next 2 nights he woke at 3am and demanded to go to our bed. Ya that's not going to work. So I had a few nights of rubbing his back to help him get back to sleep and now he's back to sleeping through the night. I guess where we're "feeling" it the most is during the day when he whines and cries for really no reason at all (sissy is usually bothering him). Before we would just give him his "plug" and he would calm down. Now we're finding ourselves stressing out and telling him, "James stop whining, stop crying!". I know it'll eventually pass, but it's been a bit exhausting.
Yay for James and no more binky though!

I thought this was a sweet photo of Penny and Madeline. I think Penny has such a pretty fur coat (it's super soft), and her ears have such a beautiful color. She is so good with the kids, they are constantly hugging and loving on her, laying on top of her, holding onto her tail...and she totally lets them. She's truly become part of the ohana.

Well our Lender emailed yesterday and said, "Everything has been submitted and looks good. They just need time to verify 2 yrs. of employment and residence, and then the file has to be approved by an underwriter." So we are praying everything gets approved, we should know pretty soon. And then we're hoping to close around August 3rd. We've been renting for over 7 years now and we've never painted the walls in our rental homes. So we've always been excited about buying our first home so we can paint the walls! We stopped by Lowe's and Home Depot to take a look at paint and ceiling fans. Madeline's already picked out some Disney paint she would like to use to paint her new bedroom. We'd like to paint the living/dining, family, kitchen and powder bathroom before we move in our furniture. The house has dark gray carpets so we're thinking blues, sage greens, and taupe's. Below is a photo of the home we are in escrow with...


Mickie and Matt said...

Kristin is fighting the same battle with Sierra and her pacifier. Good to hear James is doing okay with out it. I am sure it will only take a few more days for him to get used to it.

SO COOL that you can paint! I'm never good at picking colors so when we did Ty's room I made Matt pick :) Your new home looks GORGEOUS! I bet you'll be sad to move out of your current neighborhood, your neighbors seem so wonderful! Is the home in the same city you currently live in?

Kelly Spence said...

That's rough, taking the binky away. I mean, I have never had to do it, but I have taken kids off of bottles and I imagine it is about the same. Hope all goes well with the house. That will be fun to do what you want with it.

Chad and Crystal said...

I am sure you are both so excited to own your new home. We are so happy for you guys, but very sad to loose great neighbors. My girls are going to miss Madeline very much!!!

steve said...

The new home looks gorgeous. Binky's never should have been invented. OK, I'm probably wrong on that one.

Kristin said...

Good Job James!

That looks like a great house. I am excited that you guys finally get to paint. Make it your own!!