Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Hook Em!

With sick kiddos, lack of sleep and still having to go to work - I've neglected my blogging. Well I thought last night's Longhorns game at the Tostitos Bowl (and this cute pic of James and his Longhorn) were worth posting about. Being in a drab mood because the Vikes lost their playoff game this past Sunday - last night's Longhorns game brought back excitement and fulfillment. Man was that a crazy game, we were sitting on the edge of the couch those last 16 seconds!!! Woo hoo Hook em Longhorns. Stephen's been a longtime supportive Fighting Irish fan, but in recent years they've been painful to watch. Since living here in the Austin area, we've sort of adopted the Longhorns as one of our favorite college teams.

Like I said both Madeline and James have been sick with a cold & cough. Madeline's almost 100% and today she was up to playing outside with her friends. I took this photo today of her and Mia. On New Year's day I cut about 2 inches off of Madeline's hair.

On January 2nd my cuz Whitney and his daughter, Ariel, flew in from Houston on a whim. Just to visit and hang out for one night. We had fun, went to a Chinese buffet in San Marcos, then just stayed home and watched movies..the Shawshank Redemption and the Mummy (part III). Whitney put together James' soccer goal he got for Christmas.

Laura posted this pic on her Facebook of all of our Spence nieces and nephews. Wish Madeline and James could've been there with all of them to join in on the fun. From left to right: Eden, William, Jacob, Dylan, Nathaniel, Elias, Ethan and Noah. In the back Wyatt and Ella.

Lastly I have totally neglected Madeline and James' baby web pages this past year. It's probably due to the fact that James' well visits with his pediatrician have been neglected too (I would usually post on their web pages after well visits). He's behind on his vaccinations. Due to the medical insurance plan we signed up for with Hertz, we have super high deductibles so these well visits would cost us approx. $150 each visit...and James' last batch of vax's would have cost us $700 out of pocket! Well I've figured out that we can get him those same vax's through the county health center for about $20 total. So we just got to get the kids to the health center. Anyhow I did update Madeline and James web pages and journals so check them out!

1 comment:

Mickie and Matt said...

Glad to hear the kids are feeling better! Sometimes it seems worse on mom when the family is sick! Yeah Matt and I are finding out our insurance isnt great as well, now that just TINY bills are coming in and we are paying most/ if not all of the charges. Good thing we have AFLAC. :)