So last week I went through all of James' clothes. Boxed away all the ones he's outgrown. And then got out all his new fall and winter clothes. Some of them I got at his baby shower and the others are hand-me-downs from my nephew Alex. This green Aloha shirt was one of Alex's, I remember him wearing it! Oom David and Tante Armilyn, don't I look cute!?
We dressed up so handsome because James' girlfriend, Kayla (next door neighbor girl) is turning 2 and her party is this evening!
Okay Poppi...this video is for you...
So even before James could walk he loved to "play ball" especially kicking it like a soccer ball. Well I have to brag and say my almost 2 year old is pretty darn good at kicking the ball, he even kicks with both feet...he may become a star soccer/football player one day! ;-) In this video though he is mostly using his right foot, although he gives 1 swift kick with his left. Maybe he'll be a goalie since he likes to "set up" his ball. LOL
Thumb sucking update...the band aids are not working with Madeline. So I bought this stuff from Walmart the other day with Pam. It says I can put it over nail polish like a top coat. So I'm gonna give Madeline a manicure and quickly put this stuff on her thumbnail. We'll see if it works!
Hey Melissa I just wanted to you tell you that you are so thoughtful and I think you are an amazing mom. I love it when you leave comments you are so sweet. Ihope that all is well and you kids are so stinkin cute!!! Have a great weekend. Yeah it is almost fall!! Where are our shows??
Hi Melissa!
I love reading your blog and try to comment every once in awhile.
I was an avid thumbsucker and my mom used to put that stuff on my thumb. But just a warning...I used to get so upset that I couldn't suck my thumb and start crying. Then I would wipe my eyes with my thumb and it would burn my eyes! Wishing you lots of luck!!!!! (I finally stopped sucked at age 5 because I was afraid the other kids in school would find out and make fun of me...nothing like peer pressure! ;) )
Thanks for sharing your life with us!!!
James looks very dapper in Alex's old shirt. We gave Mom his birthday present so she can bring it when she visits next week.
What a cutie James is, such a little man. Look out Pele'! Hey I hope that stuff works, but if not don't stress, in this day and age they will probably both need to get braces anyway! At least that's where we are at with little ones now as they get older. Would be nice to save a few grand though..........
How do you turn off the music without deleting the sound. I like having the sound from the kids during their videos. They are growing so fast. Miss you y'all.
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