Italy, Rome, St Peter's Basilica, Pieta
What does the word Unity mean to you? And how important is it to you? The dictionary defines u⋅ni⋅ty as: 1. the state of being one; oneness. 2. a whole or totality as combining all its parts into one.
For those of you that have never noticed on the sidebar of my blogspot under my "Favorite Scripture Verses" is this one:
"I do not ask on behalf of these alone, but for those also who believe in Me through their word; that they may all be ONE; even as You, Father, are in Me and I in You, that they also may be in Us, so that the world may believe that You sent Me." John 17:20-21
Unity is important to me in all aspects of my life. Ask my husband, I am constantly striving at keeping all of our extended family united. He's amazed at how many extended family I stay in contact with - some ones I've never met before. I just feel that it's important to reach out to all family with love and charity, it's my way of living the Gospel. Unity is important in my life at work and in the importance of teaching Madeline and James about "teamwork" which requires unity. If my coworkers and I do not unite together in our work for the company - the company would fall apart. Stephen has caught himself reciting a famous line from one of the kids cartoons, Wonder Pets, he'll yell at his employees "What kind of work, teamwork!". :) And as you can see from the Scripture I provided above, unity is important in my spiritual life too. To promote Unity with my Christian brothers and sisters is what Jesus asks of me.
So if you haven't heard from the news this week, the Pope made an exciting announcement! Pope Benedict has just invited the Anglicans into true communion, that is, communion with the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church!
Thank you Uncle Kevin for sharing this exciting article with the thoughts from Rev. Thomas J. Euteneuer of the recent news, click here to read the article. He makes some inspiring statements...
"... it took a clear-thinking German Pope to reverse, in part, the damage that his countryman Martin Luther and King Henry VIII did to the unity of the Church almost 500 years ago."
"There is one group of traditionalist Anglicans who number between 400,000 and 500,000 members and are expected to be the first to take the leap. I pray that many more will walk through the doors that lead to full Catholic unity!"
"Those who stand on the Rock of Peter have solid footing for answering all the most important issues of any day. The holy English martyrs must be rejoicing in heaven knowing that they did not shed their blood in vain!"

Italy, Rome, St Peter's Square
Welcome Home!
I think news of this sort of Unity fills me with rejoice! Evidence of the Holy Spirit's beautiful work.
Wow that is cool! So the Pope basically asked an entire religion to come join the catholic church. WOW! What exactly would an Anglican have to do to join the Catholic church? Just start going to Catholic mass? Would they need to be re-baptised?
I agree with the Unity thing, and I for one appreciate our connection. Half the time I wouldnt know what is going on at all on the Spence side if you didnt inform me! Thanks for that :)
Yes basically. Anglicans are real close in theology with Catholicism, although there are some differences. The Anglican priests will be ordained Catholic (even the married ones) and they will still hold service/Mass in their churches with their congregations. The Catholic Church recognizes "one baptism for the forgiveness of sins" so no they will not need to be re-baptized if they already have been in a Christian church. If the Anglicans do choose to convert I do assume they will be taking courses to learn Catholic dogma and to receive their first Holy Communion so they can receive the Eucharist and to be Confirmed into the Catholic faith. And children would start going to Catechism classes like Catholic children do.
Anglicans have become disunited with one another due to the liberal take their Church has been taking, especially in recent years having woman priests, a gay Bishop and recognizing homosexual unions. And many have reached out to the Pope requesting a communion to the Catholic church. It's very exciting!
Thanks Mickie, I appreciate our relationship too. I enjoy getting to know your family as well as Matt's brother's families and your side of the family too!
That is great to hear that the union is taking place. I had been following its progress, on how it seemed to be going back and forth for a while. Great news!
I read the entire letter from that priest. That is very exciting news for the church. Thanks for the information.
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