Thursday, September 24, 2009

Happy Birthday Baby!

And by "Baby" I'm talking about my stud muffin husband! :) Today he turns 32. It's hard to believe we met and started dating 1 month before his high school graduation at the age of 17. We look so young in this we're in our 30's, married for 7 years, have 2 children and are getting gray hair! Ah! God truly blessed and enriched my life with this wonderful man. I am so happy to be his wife. Though his jokes have gotten old over the past 15 years, his sense of humor is still so very attracting and always brings me back to one of the reasons why I fell for him. He has been such an awesome father to our children. Truly adults and kids hone in on him because he's such a like able guy. I just wanted to say these few things about him on this special day, well because I want the world to know how very much I love him. Happy Birthday Baby!
I stayed up past midnight decorating with some balloons and streamers, it's a tradition in our family to do this for the birthday person the night before their birthday. When he gets home around 3am this morning, it should put a nice smile on his gorgeous face.

His big gift this year was our trip to Boston and tickets to the Red Sox game. The kids and I still got him a few small things including a new Fighting Irish baseball cap, his favorite cereal and favorite candy. We also got him a chocolate chip cookie cake, frosted with a football field. The kids drew him a picture as well as birthday posters.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wassupppp Dawg,

A very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you. We hope you have or have had a wonderful, relaxing, enjoyable day. Wish we could all fly up and celebrate the special day with you. May God continue to bless you and your beautiful ohana for years to come. Enjoy! Aloha.........