Our hands under the deep blue sea somewhere off the coast in Fiji. May 2002
On this special day I just wanted to take a moment to write about my man. He is such a loving husband, he's always a gentleman even after all these years, God truly blessed me with an amazing man. He's also such an awesome and FUN father. Before we had kids of our own, Stephen was usually labeled the favorite or most fun uncle...maybe cause he was the youngest in his family so he seemed "cooler" to the kids and more "hip and fun". Well he's definitely still that way after having Madeline and James. You should see Maddy and Jimmy's faces light up when Dada gets home! :-)

So keeping with Spence tradition, Madeline and I worked hard this evening cleaning the house and decorating the kitchen for Stephen, he works until 2am tonight - so he'll come home already being his birthday to this!

We baked him a chocolate chip vanilla cake. Madeline helped me frost it and put the candles on. They'll get to enjoy it in the morning while I'm at work. Then we'll take Stephen out for a birthday lunch and pick up Oma from the airport in the afternoon. It'll be a fun day.

Happy Birthday Stephen!! I would have written this on your blog but never have been able to figure how to get signed onto it. I am at Angie and Sam's house with baby Kendall. Angie had to go back to work this week. It has been hard for her to leave Kendall but at least she only has to work one week and then she has 2 weeks off. By that time, I hope Kendall is really sleeping through the night. Right now she goes to bed between 11:30 and 12:00 pm and is up around 5:30 am. Six hours is pretty good sleep but I hope she starts going down a little sooner. She is such an easy baby to take care of during the day. Angie will be coming to Sioux City next Wednesday for a week. Mandi and Carter are so excited. This will be the first time they see her. Kendall will be baptized on Sunday, October 5th at 10:00 so keep her in your prayers at that very special event. Sam's parents and brother and family are driving to Sioux City for the event. We haven't seen or talked to them since the wedding so it will be good to get together. Well little one is waking up so I better go. Love and miss you . Give kids and Stephen a kiss for me and tell him Happy Birthday.
Happy Birthday, Steve! We sent your present with Mom today. We miss you guys
Melissa, there is an award waiting for you on my blog.
BTW, Happy Birthday to Stephen!
Happy B-day Steve! Hope it was agood one. Your gettin up there buddy, J/K!
Happy Birthday Steve. I miss you guys. Braden has decided to go to school in January. He has enough for his mission in June already. He applied where Jordan and Nate go to school at BYU in Idaho. See you in April.
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