Thanks everyone for the emails and calls to check and see if we're okay and out of Ike's path. Luckily the hurricane didn't really affect us here in the Austin area. And now that it's passed through Texas, we seem to be getting a tropical storm here just past 11pm. Sounds like it's raining pretty good outside. Although I did not get in contact with family in Houston, I heard from our friend's son that they are all safe and sound - just probably left with no electricity. Praying for all those victims there in Houston tonight.
Relieved to know your family is okay. We've been tracking the storm thanks to Fox News.
We will continue to pray for those affected.
In-credible! I'm just surprised it didn't touch Florida.. That's where they usually go. I think I've lived through a gazillion hurricanes in my life.. living there. i actually sort of miss it. We used to entertain ourselves by having "hurricane parties". Sad but true. It was the only time everyone could get together cause nobody would ever have to work. lol. :P So we would buy extra flashlights, candles, batteries, matches, canned foods, chips, game-boards, ice, etc. (just in case our power went out) ah.. those were the days.
Here in Australia.. there are really no weather problems other than droughts. It's such a difference.. and a bit strange. lol. Thanks for the weather update! ;o) Glad you guys are well.
not game-boards..
I meant, BOARD-GAMES!!!! :P
Glad to know you are all okay!
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