We live in a small suburb of Austin, and although there are new developments popping up everywhere in this town, including a hospital - parts still give the appearance of a small town. Like for instance the farm off the main road from our housing track. Every time we drive from and to our house our kids become ecstatic to point out the grazing horses and cows on this farm - especially James! He tries to sit up tall in his 5 point harness car seat (which is hard to do) so he can catch a better glimpse of these rather large animals. James has the word, "Moooo" down pat.

So being that it's September, and our baby boy turns 2 on the last day of this month, I am in birthday mode. Last year it was Mickey Mouse...this year it's Horses & Cows...a Cowboy. :-) My first priority is to get a shot of James in this adorable cowboy outfit handed down from my nephew Alex. Today was the first shoot in our backyard, that failed because all James wanted to do was jump on the trampoline instead of take pictures on the grass. Anyway, this one shot came out pretty cute. I always like creating photo invites in Photoshop.

I don't think I'll have too much trouble finding birthday decor in a cowboy theme...being that we live in Texas. ;-) Lastly a gift. James is already getting his own big boy big wheel, but I thought I'd get him something related to his birthday theme. When we were in AZ James loved Aunt Margaret's Radio Flyer bouncy horse. She found it at a garage sale for $5! Well I looked them up online and was shocked to see these horses run about $150! Ya, way above what we spend on birthday presents. Any of you have suggestions?
What a handsome cowboy!
Very cute b-day theme! I can't believe our little boys are going to be 2 this month. Maybe try Craigslist, you never know.
Yeah, I was going to say craigslist too. He looks soo cute!!!!!!!!!!!!
He's so handsome!
I love Horses!!! That one is beautiful!
cute cow too... aww...
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