Madeline started Pre-K C.C.D. classes at Church tonight! (C.C.D. are religious education Catechism classes for children in the Catholic Church) She was so thrilled to be going to her first day of "school". She almost didn't make it in to the classes this year, as they filled up fast at Santa Cruz.

Here's what our parish wrote about C.C.D. classes, and I have to agree...
"Enough cannot be said about the serious responsibility for parents to educate their children in the ways of the Faith. This comes from the promise parents and godparents made at the child’s baptism. Parish religious educators form a partnership with the parents in the formation of their children. Religious formation begins at home from the earliest years by teaching children how to pray."

Madeline's 1st workbook and craft.

Madeline's 1st workbook and craft.
Madeline has been curious about God for some time now, constantly asking questions. And she's very adamant about doing her bedtime prayers, she definitely reminds us if we forget. I believe this first year of C.C.D. will be a wonderful experience for her - I know I have fond memories of my C.C.D. classes.
P.S. Since it is the eve anniversary of September 11th I thought I would end this post with a prayer for those lost in the tragic event...
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven: for all who died on September 11; for the angels to carry them safely to the arms of the Father.
We pray to the Lord.
Blessed are they who mourn, for they will be comforted: for all who are still wounded and saddened during this time of remembrance. We pray to the Lord.
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God: for our church, national, and world leaders; for the courage to bear the cross of peace; for wisdom to prevent even more death. We pray to the Lord.
Intercessions for Peace (by Diana Macalintal)
Your little daughter looks very happy Melissa.
Thanks for sharing that prayer!
How cute! What a great little first craft too! She'll love going!
wow!! Awesome!!! She's on her way!!!! :D
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