...we were blessed with a baby boy, James. Happy Birthday!!! It's hard to believe 2 years have passed. What joy James has brought to our family. He is adored by his big sissy, aka Madeline. He loves to wrestle with his Dada. And he loves to cuddle with his mama.

Thought it would be fun to show then and now photos. Look how much he's grown!!!

Here James is at ONE.

And now our TWO year old boy! :-)
Happy 2nd Birthday James! You're getting so big. Have a great birthday with your family!
They grow so fast. It doesn't seem like it was two years ago that James was born. Happy Birthday big James, Uncle Steve
Happy 2nd Birthday to Our Precious James. God Bless You on Your Special Day and alway's. We LOVE and MISS YOU.
Nana and Poppi
It is so amazing how fast they grow. Just this morning I was looking at my Alexis and thinking where has all the time gone. Cherish ervery moment. Have a great day with your Baby!!!
Happy Birthday James!!
Happy Birthday James! I can't believe how big he is getting! So cute.
We will be saying our Mass for James today and everyday on his birthday from here on out. Know that all of you are in our prayers daily. Sorry James present is in the mail. Give him a kiss and hug from us and let me know what special plans you have today. Love and miss you
Happy birthday james! Already 2yrs !! Hope to see you in de future in de USA or Holland!
JM, Rachel, Yoram and Yair!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAMES! Love, Gwen and Jerrick Spence
Hey little Jimmy Happy Birthday! Sheesh Melissa I remember when Matt and I were engaged you told us you were pregnant. Was that over 2 years ago! Wow! Hey I got my new camera in the mail today and I thought of you. Heres hoping you can get another one soon you have such an awesome way of working with photos.
Happy Birthday James we love you!!! Love, Aunt Becky and Becca
Happy Happy Birthday James! Sorry we couldn't make it to your cowboy party. Hope it was fun!
Windy, Ry, & Hannah
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