Some of you might remember a previous post of mine about sending your luggage on vacation. Well this weekend we are going to try to avoid paying for our luggage when we fly to Arizona by packing all of our stuff in carry-on luggage. And if we have to check 1 bag and pay the $15, no big deal I guess. But I was astounded when I read this article on CNN this morning, "Troops pay baggage fees on way to war zones". That's right, read the article, these military soldiers have to worry about paying for their luggage! Give me a break! They are fighting for our country, for our freedom, and we're going to make them pay when they're traveling to and from a war zone!? The article states it's up to each individual airline whether they exempt soldiers from this added fee.
I think it is ridiculous.
give me a break1 what a joke! Have a blast this weekend. Hope it's not too hot there for you guys! Post pics when you return
Are you kidding me? Boycott the airlines that do this and they will change their tune real quick.
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