The kids had a dentist appointment today. Their 2nd cleaning this year. Unfortunately by the time I met Stephen and the kids there, the Dr. was done with their cleaning (they arrived early and were seen early). Stephen handled the appointment just fine. Both kids teeth look great and healthy, no cavities. Madeline has an overbite, which we already knew and could see. Obviously from her thumb sucking. Dr. Traci wasn't as concerned with her overbite, but more so with the bone structure of her mouth. The roof top of her mouth is getting deeper, so the thumb sucking is affecting the bone growth. At their last visit in February Dr. Traci spoke to Madeline about her thumb but told us not to push the issue and pressure her. So since then when we have caught her with thumb in mouth we'd say, "Madeline, you're a big girl now...big girls don't suck their thumbs." She'd giggle and take it out. So I don't think it will be hard to get her to stop during the day time, it's when she's tired or sleeping that it automatically goes in. She's been doing this since 3 months of age (see above photo) until now (she'll be 5 in December). We just had a talk, we're going to get her some special band aids (like Strawberry Shortcake or Hannah Montana ones ;-), put them on her thumb to remind her when she tries to stick it in her mouth that she shouldn't anymore. Wish us luck! Any of you have better suggestions to get them to stop?

Madeline sucking her thumb at 2 years old.
Melissa, your children are so cute!
You might try a little reward each day and when you catch her with her thump in her mouth except for when she's sleeping remind her no treat today. All children are smart enough to want a treat.
It's not too early to start teaching James now either. No sweets for a snack during this process. No candy, popsicles, nothing. Let them earn those.
how cute is maddy as a little bebita? I have heard having friends that don't suck their thumb spend the night can help. I guess the kids may not want to suck at night in front of friends? either way you know she won't be sucking it at high school graduation so I wouldn't worry.......
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