This morning Stephen read me an article from the Austin Statesman that really saddened both of us and reminded us how long or short our lifetime on this Earth may be. The story title was, "Liberty Hill mom-to-be dies on day of her baby shower". A local 25 year old, 8 month pregnant woman died this weekend, as well as the baby inside of her. It was a terrible tragic car accident. We pray that her family is comforted by God's love as they grieve. What does this teach me...that my Lord is in control of my life. That my Faith should be in Him. As a mother I always fear about leaving my children behind, but I must have Faith that if my life is cut short because that was His plan...that my family will always be watched over by Him.
so sad , yet another reminder that we must live each day as it is our last. Life is not a dress rehearsal.
I read that article also. So sad. And did you see that her great grandmother, grandmother and mother all died this year also?
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