For lunch today I put him in his highchair with his PB&J. Did some stuff around the house and when I returned to check on him - this was how I found him! Doesn't he look like a peaceful angel?

So Madeline got her first pet! Before vacation Stephen and I talked, Madeline begs to get a dog, cat or fish on a weekly basis. We really miss our fish aquarium, so we decided to start out easy and let her get a Beta Fish once we returned from CA. And she didn't forget about the promise! So on Saturday we picked out a plant, some pebbles and fish food at Walmart and then took Madeline to Pet Smart to pick out a Beta. She was so thrilled!

The whole car ride home Stephen was trying to discuss with her on a name. There was "Goldie", and "Rainbow", and "Luck-is"...all names that Stephen did not prefer. But I stressed it was her fish and she needed to name him. Once home Stephen and Madeline finally decided on the name, TEX! After all, Tex is our first pet while living here in Texas. LOL So there you have it!
Gorgeous picture of James and of the fish. I love fish. They don't keep the neighbors awake.
I am glad she got her first pet and it won't be too much responsibility for you two!
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