Sunday, July 20, 2008

Kyle City Pool

It was another scorcher today (I'm really looking forward to the Fall). Yesterday Stephen took James to breakfast at a local Hispanic Mart and had some breakfast burritos, then they went Frisbee Golfing at Steeplechase Park. James' cheeks were so flushed when they came home! So this morning Stephen wanted to go Frolfing again so he took Madeline to the same park. She had so much fun running around with her Daddy. She was sweating when they got back, cheeks flushed too! After they got back we headed to the pool!

It was bright and sunny out! The water was so refreshing!

Even though not in focus this shot was too cute not to post. James is getting more and more tan, & his hair more and more auburn/red!

She's such a Daddy's girl. :-)

James didn't know whether to laugh or cry - it was his nap time. We had fun at the pool, the minute we got in the car and headed home, James was out!

1 comment:

steve said...

It was great keeping up with pictures of your family. They are growing so fast. I haven't heard yet whether it is Corpus or Austin in April. Either way I am getting excited to come. Braden won't be coming with me. He said he wants to spend time with his brothers in Utah before going on his mission.