Are any of my avid blog readers noticing my background either not upload or take forever to load? It's happening to me all the time when I view my blog, not quite sure what the problem is. Anyhow let me know if you're experiencing it too.
I feel bad for Stephen, it's supposed to be 102 today and he's working this afternoon. A lot of the time he is outside. Poor guy.
So I just got done with a short shift taking calls for West. It's funny because when I pick up these afternoon shifts, it's usually elderly people calling either about medical insurance or diabetic meters, etc. So I took a few calls today placing orders for talking meters. I did however get this one caller who was very distraught about the commercial he just saw for Life Alert. He was upset with this product and started sharing his personal story with me - I would've felt rude to just cut him off and explain I do not actually work for this company, so I listened. He actually just lost his mother on May 20, she had something similar to this life alert but it didn't work and he feels gives false hope. She experienced a heart attack shortly after he served her breakfast and left for work. When he returned home he found her deceased, he cared to share in detail the color of her skin and that she was still holding her yogurt from that morning! I felt so sorry for this man's loss. I did finally explain I was not an employee of Life Alert and referred him to their company number so he could call or write them to share his anger about the FDA approving these products. It definitely is weird when I start talking with all these people from around the States and they start getting personal.
Well Madeline has her hip hop class this afternoon. I'm going to try and video some of it as they're learning a really cute routine!
Yes, I have been having problems with your background loading, sometimes it doesn't at all, it doesn't keep me from checking up on you guys though! :)
Hey I do notice it takes awhile for me to load. How sad about the caller. Didn't think you would be doing calls for the crisis hotline, did you? That was nice of you to listen. Poor Steve! It's a scorcher here too although I have the luxury of most of the day being inside. Think about the construction workers!
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