Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Birthday, WYD and Possible Job Opportunity!

Today our nephew, Jacob (Bryce's oldest) turns 10! In the photo above is Jacob and Ethan at Disneyland on the Pirates ride. Jacob is such a sweet tempered boy. Very calm and reserved. We enjoyed hanging out with him while in CA. We miss you Jake! Hope you have a fantastic birthday!!!
Glitter Graphics
Glitter Graphics @ SweetComments.net

Not sure if many of you are familiar with "
World Youth Day", but it starts today in Australia. WYD is the largest youth event in the world! It's organized by the Catholic Church and brings together young people from around the globe to share in their faith.

Key WYD08 Statistics
Up to 225,000 registered pilgrims are expected to take part in WYD08 events each day, including 125,000 international visitors.
100,000 Australian pilgrims are expected, including 40,000 from greater Sydney
An estimated 8,000 volunteers will assist
An estimated 2,000 clergy will be present
An estimated 700 Cardinals and Bishops will be present
Between 3,000 - 5,000 media are expected to cover the event
3.5 million meals will be served to pilgrims
100,000 will sleep in 700 schools and parishes
Up to 40,000 will be billeted as part of the HomeStay program
Approximately 20,000 will stay in Sydney hotels. The remainder will make their own arrangements.
Up to 500,000 people are expected to attend the Final Mass at Randwick Racecourse and Centennial Park (which is open to all)
The four official WYD08 languages are: English, French, Italian and Spanish

The WYD08 theme, received from Pope Benedict XVI is:
'You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you will be my witnesses.' Acts 1:8
This passage occurs after the death and resurrection of Jesus, just before his ascension to the Father. It represents the birth of the Church. Stephen's cousin, Britt, traveled all the way from Iowa to attend. What an awesome experience for her, can't wait to hear about it! I know the love of God and His grace will be surrounding those youth this week.

Here's the update on the job situation...
Stephen's boss has yet to promote anyone to the level 2 manager position. Although Stephen is still feeling confident he can get it. And just the other day while he was talking to the area rev manager during their conversation he said something like, "and after you get promoted you'll do this...". But Stephen said he didn't want to look too much into it. We're praying that on Stephen's year anniversary with the company next month, they will review with him and promote. So please keep him in your prayers, thanks! So every now and then I browse the job postings on Craigslist to see of any job opportunities that might work for me. It would have to be a job that offered a flexible schedule so we could work it out that either I or Stephen could be home with the kids. So I came across this
Advertising Director position for our local county newspaper. It's great because they are located right here in Kyle. Anyhow I emailed my resume last night and they called me this morning to set up an interview! My interview is on Friday @ 11am. It would be great if I could land this position and work in the mornings while Stephen was home. So prayers that this becomes a great opportunity for me would be much appreciated! If I could earn a little more than I earn with my agent job for West At Home that would give us a comfortable cushion in taking on a home mortgage, one of our main goals right now.


Windy said...

best of luck to both of u!

Anonymous said...

Big prayers for both of you!!!!

Much Love,

P.S. Tell Madeline that Walter misses her. :)

Mickie and Matt said...

Yay! This is all such cool stuff! Prayers are coming your way for promotions and a good interview. Brit went to Australia to attend? THAT IS SO COOL! You will have to keep us updated on that! I am sure she will have tons of AWESOME expiriences!

Armilyn and David said...

Good luck, Lissa