Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Madeline's being a "pill"...what's on James' face?

So Madeline was very trying today. Had 5 time outs for not listening!! It was a day of lots of tears. So when Daddy got home and had a talk with her, she apologized and promised to be "a good girl"! I felt like Maddy was also just craving attention, so for the first time I asked her if she would like to feed James his baby food for dinner - she jumped right on that. You should've heard the 2, laughing and giggling. It was too cute! Here's the end result...
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Hhhhmmm...yyuuuuummmmm....green beans! LOL
I tried getting Madeline to be in the pic with her lil bro...but she was off to something new - pretending to be a doggy! :-)
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1 comment:

Kelly Spence said...

How funny. Tanner looks like that sometimes when I feed him. He likes to hit the spoon out of my hand and it splatters everywhere.