Thursday, November 21, 2013

Turkey Lunch at School

Last Friday the kids school had their annual Thanksgiving lunch, 
so I joined the kids for lunch dates. 

James disguised his turkey in a robot costume. :)

Friday, November 8, 2013

Madeline's Room Makeover - Dandelion

Life has been so busy I forgot to post pics of Madeline's room makeover back in September. She's super thrilled with how it turned out, that makes me happy. I wanted to give her a tween room that she could grow into in her teen years. It all started on a trip to Ikea where we let her choose a new duvet cover, she picked this beautiful Lyckoax cover.

I had a vision of yellows and purples for her room. So we brought her duvet cover to Home Depot and picked out a coordinating wall color, we went with September Morning.

Because she had purple and green color on her walls already I bought paint with a built in primer. It worked great! I was told yellow is a tricky color for walls, but I'm happy with how this shade looks.

After the paint had dried for several days I went to work at applying the dandelion wall decal I had found on Amazon that is from Pop Decor. I had seen other dandelion decals but I especially liked this one because it had 3 dandelions and you could choose which color you wanted them in. I chose purple. It took quite a while to apply (several hours) only because there were SO many different parts of the decal. But Madeline and I LOVE how it turned out! It's perfect! Oh and we have textured walls, but had no problem with the decal adhering. 

Some other small touches for her makeover was buying these pretty drawer pulls from Hobby Lobby (they were 40% off, score!). She also wanted a white canopy net for above her bed. We were going to get one from Ikea but I thought it was overpriced around $25, so I found this one on Amazon for around $10.

The last detail touch for the room was finding some pom poms or lanterns to hang in the ceiling corners of the room. I found these accordion lanterns by Martha Stewart on Amazon too. The 3 shades of purple matched perfectly with her duvet cover!

And now it's complete!!! :) We rearranged her bedroom furniture...

Her desk was a Craigslist buy a year or so ago for $10. The chalk board was practically free from my work's model home furniture sale...

And now our princess sleeps wonderfully in her new room!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


I took Madeline to her first music concert, Selena Gomez! Madeline loves music, she loves to sing. So I thought she was old enough to attend her first concert, she turns 10 next month. 

Selena really put on a great concert, she was aware of her younger fans and stayed tasteful throughout the entire show. She even thanked the parents for trusting her, and thanked all her fans. It was sweet.

Madeline and I both made sure we brought our glasses so we could see the show well. Our seats were on the top level but I made sure to get us aisle seats. We could see the stage great! Plus they had 3 large screens displaying the concert.

Stephen was sure to bring a fun car for us to drive to San Antonio in (my fav = Camaro!).

We left early so we could get some dinner at P.F. Changs at the Quarry Market near the AT&T Center. It was super yummy. Next to us was a large table of other 10+ year olds also going to Selena's concert. It was cute how they all talked about it.

One of our favorite songs from Selena is "Love Will Remember". There is a lot of speculation that Selena is singing about her break up with Justin Bieber. Before the song starts on the screens it shows Selena being bombarded by paparazzi and then all these tabloid headlines pop up about "breaking up". My video of her performing this song didn't turn out too well, the bass in the music kept making a crackling sound on the video. But I'll post this video of her performing it a few weeks earlier at another show. Selena really shows her emotion when singing it. Afterwards she sang a cover song "Dream" and played the harmonica - it was really cool!

Lots of glitter at the shows end! We had a fabulous time!

Not sure whose next on our list, but I can't wait to go to another music concert with my daughter.